He Shall Lift You Up

Type: Books
Price: $6.95
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Do you ever wonder why Jesus hasn't come back yet—even though it seems as if nearly every biblical prophetic milestone has been reached?

Could it be that He's waiting on you? The fact is, God desires a people who will live faithfully according to His Word at any cost before Christ returns . . . are you one of them? You can be.

With a provocative, life-changing vision for every believer, Jim Ayer challenges those of us who are living with an unsteady, lukewarm Christian experiences to become passionate disciples who follow in the footsteps of our Savior.

In this inspiring guide, you'll get practical advice you can use every day to become the person God wants you to be and prepare you to live in eternity with the One who can lift you to heaven's gates.

Neon CRM by Neon One